Health & wellbeing grant fund is now open!

Large and small grants are now available to local councils  SALC is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications to the health & wellbeing grant fund, part of a larger health & wellbeing project commissioned by Somerset Council Public health to enable parish and town councils to improve health and wellbeing in their […]

Wellbeing Newsletter 28th April 2023

Somerset Council’s vision to put people at its heart Somerset’s new unitary authority has a vision that, “puts all the people of Somerset at the heart of everything we do; we will be a council that will do our best to be there whenever our residents need us. The way in which we deliver our services may […]

FREE hybrid event: applying to SALC’s grant fund

FREE hybrid event open to all parish and town councils across Somerset that aims to bring councils together to share and develop ideas and collaborations for fundable projects.  On booking, please state whether you will join in person or require a Teams link. Book through eventbrite, here.

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