Who We Are

Our preferred contact within the council is the clerk. When asked to advise on potentially contentious issues, to ensure our advice remains impartial and cannot be misinterpreted, we tend only to communicate with the clerk and/or chairman. Our position as a membership body for the council means we do not represent the clerk or councillors individually.

SALC is a company limited by guarantee, with articles of association. The organisation is managed by a board of directors, which is responsible for the overall management of the association. The board is the body responsible for representing the views of our members when discussing policy matters, and it sets the strategic direction of our work. We also nominate a representative to NALC’s National Assembly.

Each year during the winter season, SALC holds an annual general meeting to which every member council is entitled to send two representatives, one of whom can be the clerk. The main business of the AGM is to receive the annual report and to appoint elected officers to the board and other representative positions. Whether held in person or online, the event includes presentations from other members and bodies who have a subject to share that is of interest to the membership.

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