Delivered over 2 hours through presentation, group-exercises, chat-box discussions and polls, this two-hour virtual workshop will cover:
• The impacts of climate change so far
• What’s causing climate change and the three key reasons we’re certain about the cause
• How bad it could get in the future
• What we need to do according to the science to address the problem
• What progress has been made to tackle climate change at national and international level
• The sources of Somerset’s emissions and what’s being done to reduce them.
• How town and parish councils can contribute to avoiding catastrophic climate change, including
o Their role in shaping the built environment
o Reducing emissions from buildings
o Exercising their voice to influence planning decisions and lobby for broader change
Company No. 11942896 registered in England and Wales
In-house sessions: In instances of genuine and extreme difficulty, such as illness or bereavement, we can agree to move your booking to another SALC in-house course within the same financial year.
Externally provided sessions: Bookings for externally provided training sessions will be charged for at full price in all circumstances. SALC has significant overheads to cover for such events and spaces are limited. It is unlikely that we will be able to offer an alternative date if the event is missed.