Contacting the SALC team over the summer The SALC office will be operating with a reduced team over the next month, but we will continue to respond to all enquiries as quickly as we are able.
We will be grateful if members will send all enquiries via email to This will ensure that your message can be swiftly addressed by an available team member, either by call-back or email. Somerset Prepared event, 5th Oct 2023Somerset Prepared is a multi-agency partnership working closely with communities to deliver advice, support, and training to help enhance local resilience to emergencies. You are invited to attend the free Somerset Prepared event to get involved with a diverse range of sessions tailored to empower you with practical knowledge and skills on various aspects of preparedness, covering topics such as writing your community plan, community organisation, and communication.
Royal British Legion Councillors NetworkThe Royal British Legion has launched a new ‘Councillor Network’ to keep you updated with all the latest developments within RBL and the armed forces community, and it would be delighted if you would be among the first members to join. RBL welcomes representatives from every level of local government – from town and parish councils to directly-elected mayors – to join its Councillor Network. Members of the network will receive regular communication about how local government can support our armed forces community, and about the wider work of RBL. To sign up for the RBL Network, please visit the RBL Councillor Network website. To find out more about the Armed Forces Covenant in Somerset, please visit the Somerset Council website or contact Health & wellbeing grant fund and resources Applications to our health and wellbeing grant fund are now landing in the SALC inbox and we will soon be considering each one.
If your council would benefit from grant funding for projects led by community need, and for issues relating to reducing inequalities in health and wellbeing – the online application process can be found here. The health and wellbeing resources on the SALC website have recently been updated to include ideas on activities your council can organise to increase physical activity in the community, along with sources of information for sharing about financial wellbeing. Visit our health and wellbeing page for details. Updates from the SALC website- Remember that staff leave entitlement changed this year
The SALC office has received enquiries asking about employees leave entitlement following the NJC pay agreement for 2022/23. The pay award for all employees on Green Book (National Joint Council for Local Government Services) terms and conditions (2022/23) included agreement that annual leave entitlement for all employees will increase by one day from 1st April 2023. Log in to see the website Knowledge Hub/ Council as Employer page for details. - New autumn councillor training events have been published and shared direct with clerks
A list of low-cost or free training courses for councillors has been sent to each member council – ask your clerk for a copy or see the SALC website. Sessions include, how to undertake playground inspections, all about the transparency code, engaging with young people, code of conduct explained, recruiting and retaining councillors…and more! Technology Enabled Care in SomersetSomerset Council is planning work with Somerset residents to help with the development of the Technology Enabled Care (TEC) Service to be delivered by Somerset Lifeline. The group wants to offer people the choice and opportunity to use TEC to maximise their independence, staying safe and well in their own homes, as well as remaining connected within their communities. 
Job Vacancies
Right now the following councils/ bodies have active vacancies: Ashill Parish Council seeks to appoint a Parish Clerk and RFO for 12 hrs per month on SCP5 to 11 (£11.21 to £12.50ph) Gloucestershire ALC is seeking a new Chief Executive Officer within the salary range SCP 33 to 36 (£39,493 to £42,503) |