SALC Newsletter 15th March 2023

Changes to the VAT rules on sports facilities

Since the update in our February newsletter, HMRC has published some brief guidance about VAT reclaims in relation to the non-business treatment of sports facilities.

Subsequently, The Parkinson Partnership has revised its bulletin, VAT on Sports Fees, to give more clarification on the process and scope of any reclaims, whilst still acknowledging that there are some unknown areas.

Member councils can access the revised bulletin on the SALC website LTNs & Guidance section of the Knowledge Hub.  

The Parkinson partnership is holding a 45-minute online Zoom briefing and Q&A session for affected councils on Wednesday 22 March. Places are £10 payable online by card in advance and can be booked, here

The Carbon Literacy Project – FREE Parish & Town Councils Toolkit Course. 

The Carbon Literacy Project is hosting a free webinar on Monday 20th March at 10:30 am to launch the brand new Carbon Literacy for Parish, Town and Community Councils Toolkit Course.

Speakers who have piloted the Toolkit Course will be sharing their experiences of delivering training, which provides councillors and officers with a day’s worth of climate change learning and action planning.

The webinar is open to both councils that have no knowledge of carbon literacy and councils that are delivering carbon literacy training. Book here through eventbrite.


The Civility & Respect March Newsletter is out now! 

The Civility & Respect project has made some significant progress over the last few months and we are pleased to share with you some of the resources that have been specifically developed to address the issues of civility and respect across our sector. 

The March newsletter includes articles on:

  • Podcasts about councillors’ responsibilities as employers
  • Launch of civility and respect e-learning
  • Sector specific guidance on the LGA code of conduct
  • Second early day motion
  • Update on ‘The Pledge’
  • Training workshops available

Visit the NALC website to find out more information about the project resources, to download the documents and for details of how your council can sign up to the civility and respect pledge.

FREE SALC health & wellbeing training events  

Come along to any of the free health & wellbeing training sessions to learn about the basics of energy advice, climate change, emotional resilience, and a whole lot more!

The SALC health & wellbeing training programme is now available. Please see the SALC website for details or email

Introduction to the Armed Forces covenant
21st March 6-7pm
Climate Change training for town and parish councils
Monday 27th March 6-8pm
Emotional Resilience for local councils
Monday 17th April 12.30-1.30
Emotional Resilience for local councils
Wednesday 19th April 6-7pm

Additional health & wellbeing resources:

The Centre for Sustainable Energy offers advice and support to all residents on anything energy related. Following its recent training session with SALC, CSE will visit local councils or groups to give talks and presentations. Contact Safe and Warm Somerset for info.
Connect 5 free online training course – Talking about mental health can be helpful, but it’s not always easy to know where to start. Connect 5 training aims to increase the confidence and skills of people both in jobs or volunteering so that they can be more effective in having conversations about mental health and wellbeing.  To apply, please contact Public Health Training Deadline for applications is 5pm Wednesday 22nd of April 2023.
NALC’s new cost-of-living support webpage was launched this week to help parish and town councils support their communities through the cost-of-living crisis. The webpage provides valuable resources, practical advice, and examples of good practices. 
The new Somerset Dementia Wellbeing Service is hosting a series of Dementia Roadshows this Spring. The aim is to enhance local support in communities for residents who have been diagnosed with dementia / are caring for a person with dementia. The roadshows are being delivered to showcase what support is available and how it can be accessed. There is also a dementia simulator to try!
Age UK Somerset’s Coronation Map aims to ensure that older people in Somerset and North Somerset, especially those that live alone, aren’t excluded from joining in with the Coronation celebrations. Help make it easy for older people to find a local event where they will be welcome by sharing details of your event on the Age UK Somerset website. 

Job vacancies

Right now the following councils/ bodies have active vacancies:

Crewkerne Town Council is seeking an Operations Manager within the pro-rated pay range £28,371 – £30,151

Kingsbury Episcopi Parish Council is seeking a clerk/RFO within the pay range SCP7- 17 (£11.63 to £13.95ph)

Frome Town Council is seeking 2 Rangers, each on the salary £23,620

Stoke Trister with Bayford Parish Council is seeking a Clerk/ RFO at negotiable pay rate SCP 7 – 17 (£11.63 to £13.95ph) 

What would you like to Search for?

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