Newsletter January 2025

What’s new for 2025?

  • Members can access the SALC website Legal Topic Notes & Guidance page to read new advice notes about the duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace; access advice on Martyn’s Law, including an anti-terror checklist, and financial advice about changes to national insurance contributions. 
  • Ewan, SALC’s CEO, is launching a Chair’s Forum to facilitate support, networking, and sharing of good ideas across our c.270 city, town, and parish council chairs. Please let us know at if you are a chair who would like to join a monthly Teams call and WhatsApp group.
  • National Insurance contributions (NICs), threshold and Employment Allowance are set to change from 6th April 2025. We are in close contact with NALC, which continues to voice all of our concerns in Westminster with the aim of ensuring that parish and town councils are fairly compensated for the planned increase.
  • Statutory sick pay increases to £118.75pw from 6th April 2025.(£125 minimum average weekly earnings required)
  • National Living Wage increases to £12.21ph from 6th April 2025 (for over 21yr olds


What’s expected in 2025?

  • Results are expected from the consultation (that closed on 19th December 2024) on enabling remote attendance and proxy voting at council meetings. After assurances from the Deputy Prime Minister, we anticipate a positive response, with feedback on the detail and practical implications of allowing remote and hybrid attendance and voting at council meetings. 
  • Following the 2024 summer consultation about improving accountability and ethical standards in public life, we expect the spring to see the publication of the report from Independent Committee on Standards in Public Life that promises details on best practice for public sector organisations.  For useful background, you can read the key recommendations from the Committee on Standards in Public Life 2019 report on Local Government Ethical Standards, the content of which is supported by NALC and SALC – please also see the item “consultations” below.
  • The Government’s plan to Make Work Pay will change multiple aspects of employment law. Examples include, the right to claim unfair dismissal from day one of employment, earlier access to certain parental rights, the removal of qualification periods for statutory sick pay, strengthening of the 2024 right to request flexible working from day one, removal of the lower pay bracket for 18-20 year olds, and the right to disconnect. Not all of the changes will take effect in 2025; some will follow later.


No referendum principles for 2025/26 financial year

We were pleased to read the Government’s Provisional Local Government Finance Settlement 2025 to 2026, published on 18th December, confirming the Government’s intention that, “there are no council tax referendum principles for mayoral combined authorities or parish and town councils” for 2025/26.

Publication of the settlement means the Government will not impose capping on precept demands; there is currently no expectation that the government will change its decision.

We are delighted that the Government continues to recognise that, in many cases, the precept is the sole means for local councils to raise funds for community projects and devolved services, and that the freedom to make reasonable increases where necessary, it imperative.

SALC CEO co-opted to NALC’s Policy Committee

Ewan Jones, SALC’s CEO, has been co-opted onto NALC’s Policy Committee as the representative of the national County Officers’ Forum. The committee guides NALC in formulating and reviewing national policy objectives. For example, it has recently responded to the Government Consultation to maintain NALC’s support for enabling remote attendance at meetings, while opposing proxy voting.

Ewan’s appointment further increases SALC’s national participation as he joins Loretta Wheltor, chair of SALC, who already sits on both the NALC Scrutiny Committee and and the Smaller Councils Committee.

Ewan’s appointment is well-timed; on the 16th December, publication of the new Government’s English Devolution White Paper generated much interest from fellow county associations about Somerset’s recent experience of transition to a unitary council.

While the Government’s proposals for devolution to “strategic” combined authorities across the whole of England (including Somerset Council’s “Heart of Wessex expression of interest, in partnership with Dorset and Wiltshire Councils), and migrating all remaining two-tier principal authority areas to single-tier unitary councils, have generated much media interest, the white paper’s proposals extend to standards and accountability. The Government therefore began two related consultations on 18th December, with potential implications for city, town and parish councils (see below).

Consultations – have your say

Councils, councillors, and officers are invited to complete the following consultations (as appropriate). However, to assist SALC’s submissions we will be pleased to receive informed comments from member councils. To share your views with us, please email:

1. Strengthening the standards and conduct framework for local authorities in England came out on 18th December 2024 and closes 26th February 2025.

The Government is seeking views on proposals to introduce measures to strengthen the standards and conduct regime for local authorities in England. The proposals being consulted upon include:

  • The introduction of a mandatory minimum code of conduct for local authorities in England
  • A requirement that all principal authorities convene formal standards committees to make decisions on code of conduct breaches, and publish the outcomes of all formal investigations
  • The introduction of the power for all local authorities (including combined authorities) to suspend councillors or mayors found in serious breach of their code of conduct and, as appropriate, interim suspension for the most serious and complex cases that may involve police investigations
  • A new category of disqualification for gross misconduct and those subject to a sanction of suspension more than once in a 5-year period
  • A role for a national body to deal with appeals

NALC will also respond to this consultation and is seeking your views in its survey, here.

2. Local audit reform: a strategy for overhauling the local audit system in England was also published on 18 December and states “Local audit should be the bedrock of local accountability and transparency, of trust and confidence in councils to spend taxpayer money wisely.” The consultation will consider areas, including:

  • the definition set in primary legislation of smaller authorities, including whether certain types of authority, including parish councils, should be classified as smaller authorities regardless of income or expenditure (to protect smaller authorities from the risk of becoming a principal authority and the disproportionate cost and administrative burden that entails)
  • a review of the information provided in the AGAR, considering whether sufficient and useful information is presented to members and taxpayers in an accessible and efficient way
  • whether to simplify the exemptions regime for parish meetings
  • to require electronic submission of AGARs
  • whether to require internal audit reports to be considered by the full council or board of a smaller body
  • the effective operation of the legal right of local electors to inspect and object to accounts
  • the application of the Transparency Code

3. There are also two open consultations directly relevant to Somerset Council:


Legal advice on asset & service devolution

As reported in our September newsletter, SALC has identified two sector-specialist firms of solicitors that can support city, town, and parish councils with the devolution of assets & services from Somerset Council.

It is important that local councils obtain their own independent advice during these negotiations, so please do get in touch at if you would value introductions to solicitors with experience of devolution in Somerset and other counties.


Somerset Parishes Conference 2024 – Your Feedback

Thank you to all councillors and council officers who joined us at the Canalside Conference Centre on 13th November for the Someret Parishes Conference 2024 and SALC AGM. We especially thank those of you who submitted your feedback after the event. Reflections were overwhelmingly positive, and we have received many good and constructive suggestions to help with planning this year’s conference.

The most positively received session was “Working in Partnership with Somerset Council”. This was perhaps to be expected given our context of ongoing evolution of local community networks, and deliberations of city, town, and parish councils over potential asset & service devolution, along with the impact of Somerset Council’s reductions in its bin-emptying service, and whether or not to take advantage of the ‘Enhanced Highways Maintenance’ service (at a price).

Our headline speaker, Jonathan Owen from the National Association of Local Councils (NALC) was also received positively by most as he spoke about civility and respect, and devolution.

Two thirds of attendees found the workshops engaging (or very engaging), with four in five praising the workshop facilitators. We hope that you took away ideas to share with your councils.

Over 75% of attendees found the marketplace/exhibition opportunity useful (or extremely useful). We hope that you had many productive discussions and found some good inspiration to advance the ways your councils work and serve your communities.

This was SALC’s first attempt at a marketplace – congratulations to our Community Health & Wellbeing Support Officer, Kerrin Wilkinson, for organising it. We received many constructive suggestions from attendees and exhibitors on how to make this part of the conference even better for 2025, including co-locating both in the plenary hall and where the food and refreshments are served; allowing more time for attendees to network and meet the exhibitors; partnering with exhibitors for workshop sessions, e.g. “How AI can help councils and clerks work more smoothly”

Looking ahead to 2025, one consistent theme from your suggestions was to showcase your best projects and initiatives. We will aim to deliver more of a peer-to-peer feel as we continue to learn how to work together with the unitary Somerset Council.

We will soon issue a save the date” for Somerset Parishes Conference 2025, which will be held in October or November. To help us develop the best possible event, please do continue to provide us with your constructive suggestions at


West Monkton Parish Council’s approach to climate change has star potential!

Well-earned congratulations go to West Monkton Parish Council, which states it is delighted to be a finalist for the NALC Star Council Awards 2024. 

As a finalist for the award of Climate Change Response of the Year, West Monkton Parish Council has shown how it understands what climate change might mean for its community and place. It has acted to demonstrate long-term thinking and partnership working with a variety of local organisations to mitigate impacts, adapt to them, and build local resilience for people and nature.

West Monkton’s efforts are a shining example of what local councils can do to help their communities be prepared and we wish them every success when the winners are announced at the House of Lords parliamentary reception on 25th February 2025.


Cheddar Parish Council is awarded under the Local Council Award Scheme 

Congratulations to Cheddar Parish Council on achieving the LCAS Foundation Award. The award is an excellent achievement showing that the parish council achieves good practices in governance, community engagement, and council improvement. It shows that the council has gone above and beyond the legal obligations; leading the community and continuously seeking opportunities to improve and develop even further. 

If your council has what it takes to be recognised by the Local Council Award Scheme, you can find out more information and apply via the NALC website, here


Managing drug and alcohol misuse in your workplace

With the party season over for another year and thoughts turning to gym memberships and healthier diets, it’s good to remember that, as an employer, the council has a legal duty under the Health and Safety at Work etc Act to protect workers’ health, safety, and welfare. 

The issue of drug and alcohol misuse at work has always existed, adversely effecting employees’ health, work performance, conduct, and safety.

Understanding the signs of drug and alcohol misuse (or abuse) will help you manage health and safety risk in the workplace.

The HSE website has step-by-step guidance on managing drug and alcohol misuse at work. This includes:


The inclusive neurodiverse council

Neurodiversity refers to the infinitely different range of people’s brain functions and behavioural traits. 

With an increase in the number of people being diagnosed with or identifying as having some form of neurodivergence, workplaces, including councils, are seeking ways to become more inclusive.

Most people are neurotypical, meaning that their brain processes information in the way that wider society expects. A lack of awareness and understanding about neurodiversity means we might not give much thought to our work processes or environments, and the result is that the usual ways of working, which develop over time might suit some people, but they will not suit everyone.

People who have received a diagnosis, or identify as having, for example, ADHD, dyslexia, dyscalculia, or are on the autism spectrum, are neurodivergent.  Although many neurodivergent people do not consider themselves disabled, it is likely that they will satisfy the legal definition of disability for protection under the Equality Act 2010.

We know that, like any large group of people, council environments are frequently neurodiverse. A neuroinclusive council should demonstrate equality and inclusion and seek to value people with all types of information processing, learning, and communication styles. Inclusive councils reap the benefits of improved retention and creative problem-solving through different perspectives.

If your council aims to become a more neuroinclusive or a disability confident employer, you can read useful ideas and guidance about neurodiversity in the workplace in the publication by everymind at work, How To Be More Neuro-Inclusive In The Workplace: A Guide for HR.

For ideas on how to support dyslexic staff and councillors, the British Dyslexia Association website has practical suggestions.

It’s always good advice to not make assumptions about someone’s needs, but to find out more by first having a conversation with them. You have an opportunity to learn and make the other person feel seen and heard. If you worry about using the wrong words, acknowledge and share your lack of knowledge – BBC 3 has a handy range of videos about Things Not to Say. Scope’s ‘End the Awkward’ initiative provides more practical tips on what to do and what not to do in a variety of situations.

The council might need to look at making reasonable adjustments to ensure it is supportive, and in some cases, an occupational health service can be used to provide a helpful independent assessment. SALC can put member councils in touch with a service to assist, contact  for details.


Equalities Training Workshop, 7th March 2025

Friday, 7 March ’25   9:30am – 12:30pm GMT
Bridgwater & Albion RFC, College Way, Bath Road, Bridgwater, TA6 4TZ

This in-person training event is led by the Somerset Council Public Health team and will look at how the Equality Act 2010 challenges public bodies to proactively and practically consider equality, diversity, and inclusion in everything they do. This session will provide the fundamentals on:

• What is protected under the legislation
• In what situations this protection applies
• What the council should proactively be thinking about
• The impact of the Public Sector Equality Duty on councils

Importantly, this session will provide practical examples of what this could look like for town, parish, and city councils. It will also provide time for you to ask questions and work through examples to get a better understanding of the legislation.

See the SALC website training page to book.

Get 2025 off to a positive start by updating your skills

The first 3 months of 2025 offer a packed schedule of training opportunities for councils, councillors, and officers. Training sessions include: 

  • Councillors Essentials (roles and responsibilities), available over a choice of 3 sessions, one of which is in person at Glastonbury Town Hall.  
  • The Principles of Internal & External Audit for councillors takes place at a choice of times in January & February
  • Chairperson training is scheduled for January, with a separate session aimed at chairs of smaller councils (sub £50k turnover) 
  • Code of Conduct & Councillors Interests is offered online in February and in person at Glastonbury Town Hall during March.
  • The Essential Clerk training begins a series of 3 online sessions starting on 10th February (weekly)
  • The Preparing for Year-end and Audit session for clerks and RFOs in sub £200k turnover councils takes place on 3rd March  – places are limited, so move fast to book your space! 
  • Equality briefings are scheduled online in February, with an in-person equality workshop taking place in March at Bridgwater & Albion RFC.  
  • A new CiLCA course is planned to start in March (dates TBC – keep an eye on the website training pages). For further details about CiLCA, see the dedicated SALC website page, here

All places are limited and we know that some sessions will sell out quickly, so act fast to secure your place – Training Events

For advice and guidance on training and all manner of local council matters, please see the website for details of how to contact SALC


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