Pre-election publicity 2024

The SALC office has received some enquiries from members asking about restrictions on activity in the run-up to the general election.

The pre-election period of heightened sensitivity (the “pre-election period” previously known as “purdah”) is the period in the immediate run up to the general election when certain restrictions apply to public bodies, MPs, civil servants, and local authorities.

Parish and town councils can continue with “business as usual” during the pre-election period but should exercise caution when making decisions that would be politically contentious or that identifies the council itself with any individual political party member or group.

Loal authorities (including parish and town councils) have a duty under section 2 of the Local Government Act 1986 to “not publish, or arrange for the publication of, any material which, in whole or in part, appears to be designed to affect public support for a political party.” This restriction always applies, not just during the pre-election period.

However, the Code of Recommended Practice on Local Authority Publicity, which local authorities must have regard to when coming to any decision on publicity, states that publicity should, “be issued with care during periods of heightened sensitivity”.

NALC has produced a briefing note L01-24 | CODE OF RECOMMENDED PRACTICE ON LOCAL AUTHORITY PUBLICITY (ENGLAND) / PUBLICITY DURING THE PRE-ELECTION PERIOD, which can be downloaded from the SALC website LTNs & Guidance page (login required).

If you would like clarity on what the guidance means for your council’s activity, please email

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