Somerset’s new unitary authority has a vision that, “puts all the people of Somerset at the heart of everything we do; we will be a council that will do our best to be there whenever our residents need us. The way in which we deliver our services may change, but we are committed to making all your interactions with the council easier and build trust over the coming years”:
SALC’s health inequalities reduction programme is funded by Somerset Council and is focused on supporting town and parish councils to work with their communities to address issues that can affect wellbeing in the wider sense. This includes different environmental, social, and financial aspects of living and working (often described as wider determinants of health) and we’ve divided them into nine key areas:
SALC is organising a series of networking events to help parish & town councils apply to our upcoming health & wellbeing grants programme.
These events will be an opportunity for you to connect with other councils and community organisations to share ideas and inspiration and to start building connections. Come along and explore ideas for funding that meets a health and wellbeing need in your community.
We are looking for venues in West Somerset and Sedgemoor, so if your council would like to host a networking event, please get in touch with
Our first event will be a hybrid meeting on Tuesday 16th May, 6.30pm – 8pm at Shape Mendip in Shepton Mallet. Book here, indicating whether you would like to attend in person or online via Teams and we will send you the link.
Making decisions about how to plan health and wellbeing projects and allocate resources needs evidence. If you are not sure where to look, navigating the different sources for health and wellbeing related data can be overwhelming.
Somerset Council’s data officer, Jack Layton, can help you learn where to look for data on your community and how to access different sources. To attend this training event scheduled for Wednesday 7th June 1-2pm, book here.
Mental Health Awareness Week takes place on 15th – 21st May and this year’s theme is ‘anxiety’.
Somerset Council is asking people to share photos on social media of places in Somerset that help them to feel calmer and happier. The photographs tagged with #SomersetMyHappyPlace will be used to create an interactive map that shares all the wonderful green spaces people can visit in Somerset to lift their mood.
To explain more about the campaign and how people can get involved, Somerset Council has created a toolkit, which you can download here. For full details, visit the Somerset health & Wellbeing website.
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