UPDATE -SALC AGM focus on asset & service devolution, 2nd December

Following Somerset Council’s recent announcement regarding its financial difficulties and the implications for town and parish councils, the agenda for SALC’s annual general meeting has been adjusted to focus on the subject of asset and service devolution.

This event is specifically aimed at councillors of member councils. Although SALC very much welcomes the attendance of clerks, we would be grateful if the clerk is, where possible, accompanied by either the council chairperson or another councillor.   

AGM agenda

Annual Report 2021-2022

Final Accounts 2022

Meeting and Annual General Meeting of the Somerset Association of Local Councils Ltd

Date:          Saturday 2nd December 2023

Time:          10am to 3pm

Place:          The Main Hall, Edgar Hall, Somerton Business Park, Somerton, TA11 6SB

A maximum of two representatives from member councils are invited to attend the SALC AGM. This can be the chairperson and the clerk, or two councillors.


9:30     Arrival and refreshments

10:00   Welcome from Dave Mitton, Chairman of the Association

10:05   Guest speaker and Q&A: Cllr Bill Revans, Leader of Somerset Council, accompanied by Sara Skirton, Service Director,  Partnerships and Localities

10:50   Guest speaker: David Mears, Clerk to Bridgwater Town Council – “Building the Future for Our Communities”

11:30    Break and refreshments

12:00   AGM (see separate agenda attached)

13:00   Lunch (please notify info@somerset-alc.org.uk if you are staying for lunch and whether you have any dietary requirements)

14:00   Health and wellbeing workshop

15:00   Close of event

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